Making a New List for a Good Life

Filling Our Days Up

A New List

For me, a new list would include the things that help me provide for my family. That includes work and chores. Second, I would be greatly aided by paying attention to my mental, physical, and spiritual health. For example, I can make time to read meaningful things, exercise my body, and practice stillness. These things can be overlooked because the results are not immediate – they happen over time. But what are if not our minds, bodies, and souls?

Eliminating the fat for our new list can have a tremendous effect on our well-being. For instance, cutting Facebook can lead to less mindless anger, frustration, and jealousy. You don’t have to live your life comparing yourself to everybody else. You have that kind of control!

Everything else can fall in place. The work can get done with more emphasis on quality, not desperation. Social life can begin to flourish again, no longer taking a backseat to selfish ambition. After all, it’s not good to isolate oneself. Taking a little time to make a new list will not only challenge your perspective, but also give your accomplishments more weight.

So, yeah, I’m turning 38. I’m inclined to say that it came quick, but I think it’s just surprising to consider my age. It’s not that time goes really fast, it’s that time goes at all. It’s a reminder of that. And hopefully it can encourage me to take stock of my life and express my gratitude for the many blessings I have.
